Placiomerosexual is a term that refers to an individual who is both Placiosexual and Merosexual. Placiomerosexual individuals enjoy performing sexual acts on others, but unlike Placiosexuals are okay with some sexual acts being done on them and this is where the Merosexual comes into play. Just like Placiosexual individuals Placiomerosexual individuals may lose sexual desire due to them being okay with some things and not others.
Placiomerosexual is not the same thing as being dominant or having a sexual preference. Someone who is Placiomerosexual are fine with only a handful of things being sexually done on them but are perfectly okay with doing anything on others. This may cause them to lose any sexual desire or attraction. The discomfort of the things they don't like being done to them may be caused by dysphoria or similar discomfort with one's body, but it does not necessarily have to be.
Can also be called Pmsexual as Placiomerosexual can be a bit of a mouthful.
The Flag consists of 5 colors, since Placiosexual and Merosexual dont have meanings for the flags the stripes don't currently don't a meaning at all and might never have a meaning.
The flag/term was created by @cometsw0rld, they created this because they felt a mixture of Placiosexual and Merosexual but couldn't find a label for it. So they made the term and flag for them and others to enjoy and relate to.
The flag and term was created on 8/14/2024