Asexuals Wikia
Pectussexual flag

Pectussexuality denotes sexual attraction to the upper part of the body, such as breasts and chest, but not the lower parts of the body such as genitals or buttocks. It is a term for people who enjoy the idea of upper body contact but experience displeasure or repulsion to the idea of lower body contact.

Pectussexuality is not necessarily a sexuality on its own; it can be used to further specify another sexuality, e.g. someone who is omnisexual and pectussexual.

Coordinate terms include pectusromantic, pectusflexible and pectusflux.

Pectussexuality can be used to mean both an attraction specifically to the upper body and a preference for the upper body in sexual acts.

The counterpart to this is lekanisexual. Similar terms to this is inferiace, bottoace, and geniace.


The term was first coined by Scratch user stqrs on October 10th, 2020. It is derived from the the Latin noun pectus, meaning "chest".

The flag was designed October 11th, 2020 by fierte and rxsebush on Scratch.

