Asexuals Wikia

Fraysefluid (pronounced fray-see-fluid) is an acespec and frayfluid identity where one's loss of sexual attraction fluctuates in intensity, getting weaker the more one gets to know someone, until it fully fades away. Once attraction fades away completely it doesn't return. Someone who is fraysefluid can still feel other types of attraction such as platonic, sensual, queerplatonic and romantic.

Fraysefluid can be combined with other orientations, or used as an orientation on its own. For example, one could be fraysefluid and minsexual.


The term and its flag were coined and created by Twitter users PJrainb0ws and kaelin_aether on June 13, 2021, along with frayrofluid and frayfluid. Fraysefluid was created as a type of acespec identity for those who experience attraction that fades away, fluctuating in intensity before doing so. It was coined as its own specific label, because while it is a type of fraysexual, it is still a unique experience.


The fraysefluid flag was inspired by the fraysexual flag with an added twist. There are seven stripes. From top to bottom, it is colored in dark purple-blue, dark teal, aqua, white, light grey, dark grey, and black at the bottom. The fraysefluid flag looks like the frayrofluid flag but with the stripes in reverse order.

