Asexuals Wikia

Flectic is a form of tertiary attraction where one experiences attraction that is best described as changing based on the nature of a relationship. For example, someone flectically attracted to a friend would know that if they dated said friend, they would develop romantic attraction. Flectic attraction, by nature, changes with dynamic. If flectic attraction doesn't change, for example, still feeling romantic attraction after breaking up, it may no longer be considered flectic.

A flectic person may experience attraction similar to alterous attraction, the main difference being that flectic attraction can change to and from alterous. Flectic individuals may identify as demisexual in some form, as recipromantic, or reciprosexual. Flectic attraction is its own form of attraction, and may be associated with other orientations, though it was originally intended as an a-spec identity. It may be used alongside or interchangeably with similar a-spec labels.

Someone who one is in a flectic relationship with could be called a flecfriend. A flectic crush is called a fleck.



Demiflectic is a form of flectic attraction where one does not feel flectic attraction until an emotional bond has been established. The connection can be romantic, platonic, or any other form of bond. Forming an emotional bond with someone does not mean that one is automatically attracted to said person, as it just means there's now a possibility for one to feel attraction.

Demiflectic can be considered a flectic orientation on its own or can be combined with other orientations. For example, one could be demiflectic and biflectic (demibiflectic), meaning that when one does experience flectic attraction they can experience it towards two or more genders.


The term flectic along with its flag were both coined by Twitter user sol_v_diaz on July 12, 2021.


The flectic flag was created July 12, 2021. It has a white sideways triangle and five stripes, resembling the demi flags. Muted colors represent potential for each attraction, green representing romance, blue for fluidity and alterous attraction, yellow for platonic attraction, and purple for sexuality. The white stripe at the center stands out and represents the core of the relationship as not needing to be any of the other attractions. It connects to the triangle, which represents the direction of the relationship. All stripes make contact with the white field, symbolizing potential and the power of a relationship to define the attraction.

The demiflectic flag has the same symbolism as the flectic pride flag, with the added pink stripe representing an established bond and the black triangle representing demi attraction.


Flectic is derived from the Latin root for flexible, flectere, or "to bend," as this attraction bends around the terms of the relationship and is flexible to the desires of both parties. It's also related to the word "reflect," because flectic attraction reflects whatever relationship it's in.

