Asexuals Wikia

Proposed demisexual pride flag

Demisexual is a gray asexuality and it refers to people who can only feel sexual attraction to someone they have established a close emotional connection with. This connection can be platonic, romantic, alterous or some other form of connection.

Although a deep emotional bond is necessary, it does not mean one is automatically attracted to said person. The romantic counterpart to this is demiromantic, demiplatonic and demialterous.

Demisexuality itself can be it's own orientation but can also be combined with other sexualities/orientations too if necessary. As an instance, one can be demisexual and bisexual, meaning they can feel sexual attraction towards two or more genders if an emotional bond is formed with the said person.


The prefix demi- means half or partial. The prefix is also used in words such as demigod.