Asexuals Wikia
A four striped flag with the top stripe being a dark brown, the second stripe being a light brown, the third stripe being an off-white purpleish color, and the last stripe being a grayish magenta.

The apasexual flag

A four striped flag. The top stripe is dark brown with the words "Apathy toward sex/sexual relationships." The second stripe is light brown with the words "Freedom to participate or not." The third stripe is a purpleish off-white color with the words "Repulsion spectrum

The apasexual flag with it's meaning printed on it.

Apasexual is a term to describe the lack of sexual attraction because the user doesn't/cannot care about people. Similar to asexual, in the fact that the user does not experience sexual attraction but can still participate in sex, with the only difference is that the drive for apasexual comes from not caring about people. This can, and typically will, extend to their romantic (aparomantic) and platonic feelings as well, as, again, the user does not care about people.

Because of this apathy, the user could typically go either way with their sexual encounters, because, again, they don't really care.

The meaning of the flag, in order from top to bottom, is as follows:

Apathy towards sex/sexual relationships. The inability to care for people, and as a result, the inability to feel attracted to them.

A 6 stripes flag that shows a gradient from a dark reddish-orange to a light off-white green.

The apa-aroace flag

Freedom to participate in sex or not.

Repulsion spectrum. While apathy is normally a state of neutrality, it is still possible to be repulsed by sex.

Asexual spectrum.


The term was coined on July 30th, 2024 by TikTok user Boinurmom13 and wiki user Floweryassistant13. It was created in frustration of being unable to find a label that the creator felt fit them, as well as feeling as if the ace/aroace label was being "watered down" by misconceptions.