Hello! I'm on the lgbtqia.wikia but I've never been on this one before.
I've been questioning my sexuality recently. I currently identify as asexual but lately I've been wondering if I'm some type of demisexual/romantic or something similar. This could have nothing to do with sexuality though, I don't know.
I can find people attractive, but it's always in a "wow, that person looks really cool, I love their hair/outfit/style/etc." way and not a "I want to be with that person" way. I didn't even know that people could look at someone and want to be with them or have s3x with them because that just sounds so strange to me.
If I find someone physically/aesthetically attractive can change as I get to know them, too. If I meet someone who I think is really attractive but they do or say something or I just talk to them and realize I don't like their personality, they become instantly either not attractive at all or just barely. But the same is true for the opposite, if I don't really think someone looks particularly attractive but then I get to know them and they're a great person, they become much more attractive in my eyes. I was talking to a friend of mine and I mentioned this, and he said something like "Oh, really? That's cool. I'll still find someone hot even if they're an as$hole and I could be really close to someone like my best friend or something and still think they're ugly". This is all platonic too, I'll platonically find them more attractive, I still have no desire to be with them from this.
I don't know if this is a sexuality thing or just a thing, but yeah. This might be a question I should ask on a different wiki, I'm not sure, but what do you guys think? Does it mean something or does it have nothing to do with it?